Technologies that will transform the Future of Mobile Apps
In the last couple of years, we have seen mobile apps becoming an integral part of our lives. From checking in on friends via Facebook to tracking our health goals on Fitness apps.
Technology is reaching new heights every day, and so will mobile app development. Read this complete blog to know which technology trends are going to dictate the future of mobile apps.
What does the future of Mobile Apps Hold?
Applied AI: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is leading the pack of mobile app development trends and technology that will dictate the future of humanity and its interaction with technology. Therefore, it is expected that we will see the comprehensive implication of AI in mobile app development.
Advanced Connectivity and Frontier Connectivity: Connectivity is the heart of all the mobile app development that we witness and will continue to witness in the coming future. Existing connectivity technologies are striving towards upgrading their connectivity services and are coming up with their next-generation versions. As a result, we have two types of emerging connectivity trends.
Advanced Connectivity
Frontier Connectivity
Energy Efficient: The existence of these anti-patterns makes it hard for mobile app developers to understand (and reuse) the code to incorporate new updates. Therefore, mobile app developers should avoid anti-patterns at all costs in order to ensure sustainable mobile application development.
Immersive Reality Tech: Immersive technology is the most interactive form of technology as it enables users to bridge the gap between the virtual and physical worlds.
Cloud Computing: Cloud computing, in simpler terms, refers to the delivery of computing services over the internet. The user (or organization) simply has to pay for the cloud service, which eliminates the need to invest in expensive hardware and software.
Edge Computing: Edge computing refers to the architecture that facilitates faster and more efficient data processing closer to the place it is generated. This leads to better results in better results as compared to cloud computing, which operates on big data, Edge Computing operates on instant data.
Packaged Business Capabilities for Composable Applications: PBCs are similar in ideation to microservices and help businesses to create best-of-breed solutions. PBCs are defined in terms of business functionality and can be of varying sizes. Envision PBCs as building blocks that are reusable and can be composed via third-party APIs or developed internally by your development team.
- Read more about the future of mobile apps, visit our official website.
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