Let's be honest. Running an eCommerce website is no small task. There are so many things to keep track of daily, even when your business is finally successful. As for me, I thankfully don't run an eCommerce website, although I have helped launch so many eCommerce websites over these years. I have tried to list some essential things every eCommerce website owner should know:

General Business Terms

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1. B2B / B2C (Business To Business / Business To Customer Or Client)

Business to business (B2B) websites sell products to other companies (example: all website that sells business software and applications). In contrast, business-to-client (B2C) stores sell their products directly to consumers (example: amazon.com).

2. POS (Point Of Sale)

The actual sale takes place, and money changes hands (example: shop payment counter), a point of sale (POS) transaction. Think of it as the equivalent of a cash register. A point of sale transition can either occur in person or, in your case, online.

3. API (Application Programming Interface)

Set of tools, functions, and procedures which allow software applications to communicate with one another. Websites use APIs to share their information. Example: Many eCommerce websites, such as Amazon.com, have an API that web developers use to access product details.

Let's see how does an API works:

1- User application starts an API request.

2- After getting a substantial request, API communicates with the external web server or a programme.

3- Then, the external web server sends a response to the API.

4- Then, the API transfers data to the initial user application. 

4. AR (Augmented Reality)

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Augmented Reality provides you with more information about any product. For example, when you hover over an image on many eCommerce websites, you are shown more data about the highlighted area. A real-world example is the defunct Google glass project which gave you relevant information about what you saw through the special glasses. Furniture seller IKEA uses Augmented Reality to show customers how a particular piece of furniture will look in a real-world setting. The goal of using AR is to create an immersive customer experience.

5. CMS (Content Management System)

These help websites publish and share information. eCommerce websites use Content management systems (CMS) to manage and update product listings (text, images, video, etc.), pricing, availability, and creating unique pages, all of which don't require any technical knowledge. CMS are mainly of two types: Self-hosted (where you host the software (Most famous example: WordPress, Wordpress + Woocommerce). Or, you host the website an eCommerce platform/publishing platform (e.g. Shopify, Wordpress.com) The benefit of CMS is that they are easy to use, have hundreds of design options in templates, various extensions and add-ons, and a vast community for help and support. For more detailed information Read More


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